Real Estate Licensing Classes

Real Estate Licensing Made Really Easy

How do I become a Real Estate Salesperson?

Massachusetts requires that you attend a 40-hour Pre-Licensing Course and take a 120-multiple-question test at one of five testing sites around the state. The passing score is 70%.

How Much Does The Class Cost

The class is offered through Freedom Trail Realty School. They have various levels you can join starting at $249. Click this link to register as a Skye Mountain Real Estate student.

Tuition Reimbursement

After passing your licensing exam, we will reimburse the full $249 cost of the course as well as the fees associated with taking your exam and obtaining your license if you decide to work as a real estate agent for Skye Mountain Realty. This will be reimbursed after the closing of your first sale in addition to all of the commission that you earn. This is our way of saying, "thanks for joining our team."

What is the difference between a salesperson and a broker?

The salesperson's license is the first one you can obtain. you can become a broker after three years of working as a salesperson under a broker, taking and passing the broker's course and test, and posting a $5,000 bond. Brokers are bonded to handle other people's money (deposits, commissions). Salespersons are not bonded and give other people's money to their broker. Other than handling money, salespersons do everything a broker does.

How long does it take to finish the course?

You can set your own pace to complete the required 40 hours of instruction. The school offers an extremely flexible schedule so that some students can finish in a week, month or year. It's really up to you!

Is there a schedule of classes?

We allow for very flexible class scheduling. We are available to answer any questions you may have. Call Patt at (413) 532-1452 x11 and I'll answer any other questions you may have.

What happens after I take the course?

You will receive a "Massachusetts Real Estate Candidate Handbook" which is your certificate to take the test. It is valid for two years. After receiving your certificate we can help you schedule your test. The test consists of 120 multiple choice questions that we'll prepare you for in our classes. You must obtain at least a 70% score to pass. After you pass, you can pay for and receive your license at the testing center. Once you have your license, you can immediately work for a broker. IF YOU NEED SOME ASSISTANCE WITH JOB PLACEMENT, PLEASE CALL US BECAUSE WE'RE ALWAYS LOOKING TO HIRE NEW AGENTS!

What happens if I don't pass?

Your certificate is good for two years, so you can reschedule to take the test again.

What should I do if my salesperson's license expires?

Call the Board of Registration in Boston (617) 727-2373 and request an activation form. They will require you to pay for your missed licensing cycles if you haven't paid your renewal for a while. You will also have to meet the continuing education requirements, which is 12 hours every 2 years in MA.

What is continuing education?

To ensure professionalism and current information in the field of Real Estate, every state requires continuing education every two years before you renew your license. We also offer continuing education for Massachusetts on a weekly basis. Please call us and we can set this up for you.